Dear Parishioners,
As we journey through this holy season of Lent toward the great events of Holy Week, Palm Sunday leads us to Holy Week. This sacred week is meant for us to be a time of intense remembrance of the Paschal Mystery; that is, the events of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.
The Paschal Mystery is commemorated intensely during the hOly Triduum; Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday with the Vigil fo the Lord's Resurrections. tHese three sacred days are set aside for us Catholics to focus on the immeasurable love of God, "Who so loved the world that He gave us His only Son Jesus to redeem us." (Jn 3:16).
At the Chrism Mass, Fr. Thomas and I, together will the priests throughout the Archdiocese, will renew our promises. Please pray for us so that we can renew our priesthood in the Paschal Mystery of sacrifice, obedience, love, and zealous service.
Jesus Christ calls us to holiness of life. I ask you to reflect and live the beautiful gift of being a lay faithful in the Catholic Church. You have much to offer to make our Church vibrant and dynamic. Be a tremendous source of inspiration to your fellow lay faithful by your deep faith in Almighty God. Live to its fullest your names, as Christians, as Catholics, by following Jesus in and through His body, the Church. let your devotions and piety be expressed fully in the service of your families and your parish.
Mahy our blessed mOhter who endured most of the sufferings of her Son, strengthen us always and lead us to the experience of the joy of her Son's glorious resurrection.
With my prayers and blessings for a blessed Holy Week,
Fr. Christian