Dear Parishioners,
As we move toward the conclusion fo the Church liturgical year our readings focus more on the end times and we set aside this month of November as a time to remember our beloved dead. I was reflecting on being a saint means being with God in heaven for all eternity and that is what we all desire to have or where we all desire to be. The more we share it with each other - our aspiration of becoming a saint - the more encouraged we will be in living our lives as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, because we will be reminded that we are all in this same journey together.
When we think of saints, let us not focus only on the glory that they now have in heaven, let us be inspired by their faithfulness to God while they were still here on earth. Let us pray for their intercession so that we too, may have the courage that they had in their faith and in their love for God.
"I hope to see you in heaven." That is one of the things I say to the saints when I am praying for their intercession - I hope that someday, like them, through the grace and mercy of God, I will make it to heaven as well. Christians, after all, are also known as "sinners who are saints int he making."