There are two dimensions to the role of the catechist and the person has a choice of doing one or both of the duties expected.
Catechist for videos only- this is an adult who is well formed in their faith and would like to assist in providing catechetical videos on a particular topic for a particular week. This means that the adult can choose the topic from the curriculum they'd like to present, creates the video at home at least two weeks in advance, and submits it to the office for final editing. This person is not expected to participate in classroom setting on campus.
Catechist for classroom only- this is an adult who is well formed in their faith and is interested in meeting with children or teens on campus for unit reviews. The classroom will have no more than 10 children and must have 2 adult catechists. While lesson resources will be provided for the catechist, creativity is needed here as we learn how to be engaging while we social distance in the classroom. Please note that catechists accompany the child and their family during this time of formation. Follow up emails and texts are highly encouraged to help families grow stronger in the faith and remain connected to the greater community. Masks are required and catechists will be responsible of sanitizing their own classroom and supplies after the formation session is over. This adult only serves the families registered in the blended option only. Click here to access initial schedule and more information on this family faith formation model.
Catechist for videos and classroom- this is an adult who is well fomed in their faith and would like to provide videos as well as be a catechist in the classroom. Please see above for more information on both roles.
Training and formation will be offered on Wednesday evenings in September and throughout the year. Click here for all the details!
To register as a catechist, please complete the form below. Thank you!