Dear Parishioners,
We are now on the Third Sunday of Lent and I hope that you are all doing well in our Lenten journey to Easter. This coming March 31-April 03, we will have our Lenten Mission lead by Fr. Richard McNeillie, Vocation Director of our Archdiocese. I hope that you can take advantage of this time to pray and grow spiritually.
How are you doing with keeping up with the things you promised to do this Lent? I know it can be challenging but let us pray for the strength to persevere in our Lenten sacrifices.
Let us remember that without God's grace, we are powerless against the snares of the devil. Also, pray the Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel. It is a long prayer and if you have not memorized it yet a shorter way of doing it is to simply say "St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle."
Lastly, I invite you to be more frequent in attending the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist or in visiting Jesus in our Adoration Chapel. The most direct way by which we can receive God's grace is through the celebration of the Sacraments. For those who are attending the Adult Faith Formation course about the Sacraments, this is truly a wonderful time to learn about them and about the grace that God freely gives us. Let us equip ourselves with grace so that we can get the strength we need to grow in faith and holiness especially during this season of Lent.
May God continue to bless us in our Lenten journey.
In Christ,
Fr. Christian