Dear Parishioners,
As we celebrate Palm Sunday this weekend we are entering the week we call Holy. Yes, time really went fast and soon we will be celebrating Easter! But before we get there, let us take some time to reflect on how we are doing on our Lenten journey. I do hope that you feel some difference in your spiritual life since we put ashes on our foreheads last month.
Thank you to all who were able to come and participate in the Parish Lenten Retreat. It was a wonderful week full of opportunities to draw closer to Christ and to one another as a faith-filled community: spiritually enriching times of Adoration, Reconciliation, and Stations of the Cross.
Again, thanks to all and I extend an invitation for you to join us again next year for the Lenten Retreat!
Reflecting on my own Lenten journey, I would like to share that I had some challenges too. Every year, I seem to experience some challenges in my Lenten observances. But thinking more about it, the penitential season of Lent is supposed to be challenging - that is why it is called penitential. The Lenten journey is a journey to transformation - a journey to change - and change is always difficult. But change we must, if we want to be closer to our Lord. The call to holiness never stops so we have to constantly respond to it.
If you haven't noticed any difference in your spiritual life since the beginning of the Lenten season I encourage you to exert more effort in your Lenten observances.
May God give us all the grace to open our hearts to His love and mercy and may the darkness of sin and unbelief truly be vanquished by the light of Jesus Christ and may His heart live in all our hearts.