Brothers and Sisters,'
We are truly brothers and sisters because of our one Father through our Lord Jesus Christ. As brothers and sisters, it is disheartening to hear some of the ways parishioners responded to the announcement about "unhappy children." I want to provide a welcoming place and a reverent atmosphere for all of us to pray and participate in the Mass. With that said, I want to offer a different approach. Keep in mind, we too are seeking a better way of handling a delicate situation.
We have been announcing that the Narthex is available for those with infants whose crying cannot be quenched in the sanctuary and then return to celebrate with us when the infant is calmed. The announcement was created to help parishioners listen to the Word of god with as little distraction as possible. However, I ask that all parishioners be sensitive and if possible offer a helping hand to parents with crying infants. Those with experience caring for upset infants can sympathize with parents ... it's not easy.
I want to be clear: I was not asking that parishioners inform them to move to the narthex or take it upon themselves to enforce the announced suggestions. As a family, we try to include everyone in the household, especially in the house of God. And if one of our members is being louder than usual, then we act accordingly. Let us move forward in a direction that welcomes young families
and promotes a sacred space where all can hear the Word of God.